United Benefits Holding
The United Benefits Holding offers an integrated conept along the entire vlaue chain of a property. In cooperation with its subsidaries the Holding initates, developes, realised and manages real estate investments in the DACH region. United Benefits Holdings stands for unique, innovative concepts for real estate investments that define the landmarks of tomorrow.
Wealthcore is a German initiator of real estate funds with coverage of the entire range across all real estate asset classes. Wealthcore sees its core competence in the acquisition of existing properties and project developments with a stronger focus on the Munich and Vienna regions, as well as in local market representation. The aim is to create high-yield individual investment solutions, tailored to the needs of institutional clients.
EKAZENT is your specialist for the residential, hotel and retail asset classes. EKAZENT offers strategic consultancy and active real estate asset management across all investment phases and always acts in a sustainable manner. In doing so, EKAZENT also takes over the entire coordination of interfaces between investors, users and service providers.
INREV is the European Association for Investors in Non-listed Real Estate Vehicles. As Europe’s leading platform for knowledge transfer in this sector, INREV aims to improve transparency, professionalism and best practice in the sector to make this asset class more attractive to investors.
ZBI – Zentral Boden Immobilien Gruppe
With 23 years of experience in the residential real estate market, the ZBI Zentral Boden Immobilien Gruppe (hereinafter: ZBI Group) is one of the leading specialists for German residential real estate. Since 2002, the Erlangen-based issuing house has been successfully developing real estate funds for private and institutional investors and, with its 19 funds launched to date, has a sustained positive track record. Through the strategic partnership with Union Investment, which was agreed in 2017, the ZBI Group was able to gain a strong partner for its operative business and has since been able to further expand its management competence.
UBM Development
UBM Development is the leading hotel developer in Europe. The strategic focus is on the three asset classes hotel, residential and office as well as on European metropolises such as Vienna, Berlin, Munich and Prague. With over 145 years of experience, UBM concentrates on its core competence, the development of real estate. From planning to commercialisation, all development services are offered from one source. UBM shares are listed in the Prime Market of the Vienna Stock Exchange, the segment with the highest transparency requirements.
APM Holding is an independent service provider for implementing successful real estate projects. With a focus on functionality, sustainability and profitability, APM Holding can look back on many years of experience in the following areas: location selection, acquisition, project utilisation, implementation of project analyses and due diligence, general project development and project management, and construction supervision.
BETHA Zwerenz & Krause has been a family business for more than 60 years. Under the leadership of Erwin Krause, the company has developed very strongly into an initiator and co-founder of large-volume real estate management and investment platforms in the region of the extended German-speaking Europe and the CEE region. After CREDO REAL ESTATE, which was a major influence until 2006, 6B47 Real Estate Investors and INVESTER United Benefits were founded with partners in recent years.
Die Brancheninitiative „ESG Circle of Real Estate“ (ECORE) was founded 2020 with the aim of establishing durable and marketable industry standards for the measurement of real estate’s and properties’ sustainablitly performance. The holistic view of the ECORE-Scoring seeks to compare real estates and properties under sustainable aspects.
We have joined ECORE in 2021 to increase our efficiency by collaborating with other companies that have a similar ESG approach. Since then we are activly participating in developing and establishing these standards for real estates of all asset classes.
By complying these developed standards we, among all ECORE members, not only aim to reach the legal requirements but to provide the best possible contribution to the optimisation towards the CO2 neutrality.
The Association of Austrian Project Developers (Verein Österreichischer Projektentwickler – VÖPE) is an independent alliance of domestic project developers that aims to increase the public awarness of the sector in accordance with its value creation. VÖPE seeks to provide a reliable and transparent framework for the Austrian project developers by pursuing the dialog with the sector’s stakeholders.
The Austrian Association for sustainable real estate industry (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Nachhaltige Immobilienwirtschaft – ÖGNI) is a non-governmental organisation(NGO) for the support of sustainabilty in every concern of the construction and real estate industry in Austria. Focusing on the zertification of sustainable buildings, so called blue buildings, that consider each of the three pillars of sustainability equally, ÖGNI not only examines ecological, economic and socio-cultural aspects but also the process quality, technical quality and the site itself over the entire life ciclye. The certification results in quality seals in regards to sustainabilty in the levels of platin, gold and silver.
Invester Management GmbH
Parkring 12, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Open in Google Maps
Phone: +43 / 1 / 512 05 33 – 0
Fax: +43 / 1 / 512 05 33 – 33
E-Mail: office@invester.at
LinkedIn: Invester Management GmbH
Part of Kollitsch Invest GmbH
Web: www.kollitsch-invest.at
LinkedIn: Kollitsch Invest GmbH
© 2025 INVESTER United Benefits GmbH